owais raza qadri life articles
AlHaaj Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri is the crownless king of present day Sana Khawans around the world and undoubtedly the most heartily loved, popular and legend of Sana Khawans, known for his melodious voice and unique style of expressing his great love and respect with the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad . He emerged with a revolutionary voice and unique style with a zeal to surpass his own targets and a performer par excellence. Today he is an ideal for millions of Ushaqan-e-Rasool across the globe. He is a legend at the age of 38, and the journey has just begun.Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri was born on 17th October 1969 in Pakistan. He is Intermediate in academic qualifications. He has performed several Hajj and Umras, the first Umra being in 1992 while the first Hajj in 1996. Apart from Holy Places, Pakistan is Owais Qadri‘s favourite country. Among clothes, he likes Shalwar Qameez the best. Owais Qadri‘s best friends are books.He has traveled to many countries of the world spreading the message of Islam and love for the Holy Prophet including England, Dubai, Iraq, Iran, India, Hijaz-e-Muqaddas South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Malawi, Kenya, Syria etc.Regarding his future plans, Owais Qadri states that he will continue reciting naats and work for getting people back to the path of Sala’at-o-Sunnat. Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri advises new naat khawans that Naat Khawani is Ibaadat and before reciting any naat essential knowledge should be collected about it and special care should be taken to ensure that it is not objectionable by Islamic Shariah. It is best to check all naats with a learned scholar. Furthermore, they should restrain from such acts which can be criticized by others. They should be true and practical Muslims, i.e. not that talking about love for the Holy Prophet and murdering the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet by shaving off the beard and not showing regularity in daily prayers.
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