Compound exercises

by 01:05 0 comments

    • Compound exercises such as squats, dead-lifts, presses, rows, and pull-ups use a lot of different muscles.
    • You can work the entire body in each session, or divide your sessions between, for example, the upper body one day, and the lower body the next.
    • Don't rush. Advanced lifters often base their routines around a technique calledexplosive repetition. In other words, they lift a tremendous amount of weight in a short (explosive) amount of time. There are significant benefits to this method, but the risk of injury in novice athletes is high. It is recommended solely for more advanced athletes.
  1. Limit your cardio training. While doing cardio is great for fat burning, it can limit muscle growth by burning up glycogen and amino acids. If you must keep cardio as part of your fitness plan, try sprint intervals: one minute at an all-out sprint, followed by two minutes of light jogging. Do this for no more than a half an hour, three times a week. If you play sports, eat even more food to make up for lost calories.

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